Today is World Recycling Day!

Today is World Recycling Day!

It is worth to remember not only on this day that proper waste segregation is extremely important for the climate.
Did you know that Poles produce over 13 billion kg of garbage annually?
Did you know that a plastic bottle takes about 500 years to decompose, an aluminum can takes from 200 to 400 years, and a plastic bag takes about 300 years?
Faster, because over the next 25 years our F.S.O. PARK investment will be built in Warsaw. However, today we are looking for the best solutions for the environment, which we will introduce in the first stages of the project.
The future of our planet is the future of us!

#fso #fsopark #okam #ŚwiatowyDzieńRecyclingu #śmieci #odpady #segregacja