#EarthDay in the area of the future F.S.O. PARK investment – The first tree is already here.

The first symbolic tree planted in front of the EcoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny on the occasion of the largest international ecological holiday: Earth Day – April 22, 2024!

#Lipa Broad-leafed linden is the beginning of the transformation that begins in the area of the former #FSO and the future FSO PARK.

The planted example of the broad-leafed linden tree is approximately 15-20 years old and approximately 5 m high. Lindens are the second longest-living European trees after oaks – on average 300-500 years – which means that many generations will have the opportunity to see this tree. Ultimately, it will be transplanted into a 10-hectare central park, which will be partially implemented as part of phase I of the F.S.O. PARK.

In addition to OKAM representatives, the event was also attended by:

🌿 Representatives of Ekocentrum Punkt Zwrotny.

🌿 Youth of Akademia Dobrej Edukacji – Warszawa.

🌿 Emilia Ulińska and the team from Ulińscy – Szkółka Roślin – founder of the broad-leafed linden tree and other plants

🌿 Benedykt Kawecki with the team – an architect, a specialist in plants and greenery design from AKBK studio (Architektura Krajobrazu Benedykt Kawęcki), who was responsible for the planting arrangement project.

🌿 hansgrohe – founder of awards for young people..

🌿 Media representatives.

More about F.S.O. PARK at: www.fso-park.pl

#OKAM #FSO #FSOPARK #PragaPółnoc #DzieńZiemi #PunktZwrotny #AkademiaDobrejEdukacji #UlińscySzkółkaRoślin #AKBK #ArchitekturaKrajobrazuBenedyktKawęcki #Hansgrohe #ekologia