Trees in the city – eco workshops at the EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny.

On October 19 at 9:00 a.m., together with the Praga Północ District Office of the capital city of Warsaw, eco workshops will be organized at the EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny in the FSO Main Gate at 88 Jagiellońska street in Praga Północ, on the site of the future F.S.O. PARK investment.

We invite you to delve into the fascinating world of trees and wood.

During the workshops, you will be able to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of wood, discovering its natural charm by creating simple sculptures from sticks and wood scraps. Inspired by the beauty of trees, we will transform raw materials into unique works of art. Participants will learn how to carve safely, which types of wood are best for such work, and how their biological properties affect the creative process.

We will also discuss issues related to the perception of trees in our environment and the challenges that trees face in today’s world. We will also answer questions about how these factors affect their health and lifespan, and how we can help improve the living conditions of urban trees.

The workshops are open to adults and children over 10 years of age.

Registration is required:

Free admission.

National Education Day.

October 14 is National Education Day in Poland, which refers to the anniversary of the establishment of the National Education Commission in 1773. Education is one of the main values ​​underlying the F.S.O. PARK project.

  • Education togethr with a community created around the idea of ​​sustainable development, are the foundation of the F.S.O. PARK vision. With the support of partners who share our values, we want to create a place in Warsaw’s Praga Północ district that builds interpersonal bonds and awareness of ecology and the challenges of today’s world. Only through shared knowledge and efforts can we build a true City of the Future here – emphasizes Arie Koren, founder of OKAM and CEO of OKAM City, the company responsible for the implementation of F.S.O. PARK.

An important space for educational facilities, including a school or kindergarten, will appear on the site of the future F.S.O. PARK investment. Stage I of the project involves the construction of a public primary school for approx. 645 students, which is currently lacking in the area, and its transfer to the Capital City of Warsaw. Currently, there are institutions related to education operating at 88 Jagiellońska street: EkoCentrum ‘Punkt Zwrotny’ ( – a place for educating young people about climate change and sustainable fashion, as well as ‘Wystawa w Fabryce’ ( – an exhibition with historic vehicles, including cars manufactured in the former FSO, building knowledge about the history of the automotive industry.

World Tree Day.

Did you know that trees are the longest-living organisms on Earth?
In addition, they never die of old age. It is insects, diseases and people that contribute to their premature death.

World Tree Day, celebrated in Poland on October 10 since 2002, is an opportunity to draw attention to the importance of trees for the natural environment and human life, as well as to build ecological awareness.

#Trees, as well as entire forests, are essential for the continuation of life on Earth:
🌳 They purify the air, absorb CO2.
🌳 They filter water.
🌳 They purify the soil.
🌳 They lower the temperature.
🌳 They provide habitats for animals.
🌳 And what is also very important, they have a soothing effect on the human mind.

Therefore at #OKAM we are happy to participate in all initiatives that build ecological awareness related to, among others, planting and caring for trees.
Already in April this year, on “Earth Day”, we planted the first symbolic tree on the site of the future F.S.O. PARK investment in Praga Północ (in front of Main Gate of #FSO) which will eventually be transplanted to the first part of the park in stage I of F.S.O. PARK.

The implementation of this stage (approx. 2,050 apartments, approx. 60 commercial and service premises, a public school for approx. 645 students) has a chance to start at the beginning of 2026. It will also include approx. 7 ha of greenery, including approx. 2 ha of park.
Ultimately, 20 ha of greenery will be created on the entire 62 ha of the F.S.O. PARK investment, including 10 ha of a publicly accessible park.

🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳 🌳

Let’s take care of the trees!
On average, the earth loses about 100,000,000 trees every year …
And what is very important, on average one tree produces about 100 m3 of oxygen per year, and just 1 tree can absorb up to 48 kg of CO2 per year!

#FSOPARKOKAM Capital #ŚwiatowyDzieńDrzewa #PragaPółnoc #Warszawa

ESG in action – The future of urban space on the example of F.S.O. PARK.

F.S.O. PARK is more than just a project – it is a new vision for Warsaw, where ESG (ecology, community, management) principles become the foundation of modern urban planning. This innovative project transforms former post-industrial areas into a sustainable, resident-friendly “City within a City”.

During the Reaktywacja Nieruchomości conference on October 10, Piotr Sawicki, Vice President of Pracownia SAWAWA, will present how ESG influenced each stage of creating F.S.O. PARK. This is an example of how a responsible approach to the development of urban spaces can shape the future, combining care for the environment with building a strong community.

Join us and discover how F.S.O. PARK is becoming a symbol of modern urban planning and the future of Warsaw! 🌍🏙️

👉 Registration link –
👉 Learn more –

World Housing Day.

Every year on the first Monday of October, World Housing Day is celebrated, established in 1986 by the #UN.
It reminds us of the need to conduct an effective urbanization policy, thanks to which growing city districts have access to the necessary infrastructure (energy, water, roads, green areas).

⚡ 💧 🛣️ 🌳

Our F.S.O. PARK investment will be developed according to the specific architectural vision of WXCA and Pracownia SAWAWA in cooperation with #OKAM and the values behind it, such as #community#education#ecology, healthly lifestyle, #greenery or respect for historical heritage.
Within F.S.O. PARK we plan not only residential buildings, but also commercial, service and office spaces, recreational areas, educational facilities or 20 ha of greenery, including 10 ha of central park. A number of solutions will also be used that are friendly to the natural environment (#RES, retention networks, limiting the transport of combustion cars, etc.). A new place to live on the map of Warsaw’s Praga Północ will be located in the immediate vicinity of public transport (trams, buses, metro in the future).

OKAM, as an experienced developer operating on the Polish market for 20 years, has always paid attention to building new spaces for living in the spirit of the New Quality Policy introduced in its projects, which puts the comfort of life of future residents first.
At F.S.O. PARK we go further, we build not only apartments but above all space, a place for living in the spirit of values ​​that were the foundation for creating the F.S.O. PARK concept.

#FSO #FSOPARK OKAM Capital #PragaPółnoc #Warszawa #ŚwiatowyDzieńMieszkalnictwa #OZE #zdrowystylżycia #dziedzictwohistoryczne #NowaPolitykaJakości

Plans for the Future 2024 – Building a community around values, as exemplified by F.S.O. PARK.

On October 3, another inspiring meeting took place at ZODIAK!

This time, the discussion focused on building communities around universal values, how such a process works, and how specific design or investment activities can support it.
The pretext for the conversation was, among others, the currently presented exhibition “Plans for the Future 2024”: F.S.O. PARK, or the “district of the future” planned on the site of the former Passenger Car Factory.
The project is distinguished by its concern for the quality of public space as a place of special social and cultural value for each community.

F.S.O. PARK is a project that shows how values ​​such as community and ecology can shape modern urban spaces.

PULSE Architecture & Design – 02-03/10/2024.

No one today probably has any doubts about the importance of the “E” factor: “Environmental” in ESG strategy. Nevertheless, the factor that hides the real superpower is the “S” factor: “Social”.

Architecture and spatial planning give this power – the power to connect individuals into communities, the power to support social, democratic dialogue.

During the PULSE Architecture & Design Prague 2024 conference, the architect of the architectural concept of F.S.O. PARK Marta Sękulska-Wrońska talked about using this power on the example of the projects of the Polish Pavilion at Expo 2020, the Museum Complex at the Warsaw Citadel, the concept of rebuilding the western frontage of Pałac Saski and the F.S.O. PARK district.

04/10/2024 – „Senior Days” at Galeria Wileńska – FEEL INVITED.

This coming Friday, October 4th, Galeria Wileńska together with the A.R.T. Foundation, under the patronage of the Mayor of Praga Północ Gabriela Szustek, and with the support of partners including OKAM / F.S.O. PARK, is organizing a unique event for seniors. A day full of fun, education and integration. A number of attractions that will allow you to actively spend time, make new friends and take care of your health. The Praga Senior Days will be graced with a performance by the irreplaceable DJ Wika, and the event will end with a unique dance party with the local band “Cała Praga Śpiewa”.

Please let your parents, grandparents, neighbors know. It’s going to be a great all-day party at Galeria Wileńska 😊

Detailed schedule of the Praga Senior Days:
11.00 a.m. – 11.05 a.m. – Welcoming guests, the event will be opened by Conrado Moreno.
11.05 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. – Senior safety – presentation and mini-lecture.
11:30 a.m. -11:50 a.m. – DJ WIKA –  DJ WIKA – music for a good start and a good time.
11:50 a.m. -12.00 a.m. – Memory training.
12:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Active Senior Game.
12:15 a.m. – 12.45 a.m. – DJ WIKA – music set.
12:45 a.m. – Animation dance.
1:00 p.m. – Memory training.
1.15 p.m. – Conrado Moreno i Agnieszka Tobota – chatting with seniors.
1:30 p.m. – Joint training, or how to exercise your arms and hands.
1:45 p.m. – Animation dance.
2:00 p.m. – Galeria Wileńska – a few words to seniors and about seniors.
2:15 p.m. – Award ceremony for field game participants.
2:30 p.m. – End of the event, farewell and invitation to a dance.
3.00 p.m. –  5:00 p.m. – Dance party with Robert Lipka and the “Cała Praga Śpiewa” band.

Warsaw off ART – 26-29/09/2024.

Between 26 and 29 September this year, the 7th edition of the international art festival Warsaw off ART took place titled “Where is this honey?”.

The event took place in the Glicerynownia building, located in the revitalized by OKAM: BOHEMA – Strefa Praga complex at 26a Szwedzka street

in Praga Północ in Warsaw. The partners of the event are OKAM and F.S.O. PARK.

This year’s edition featured young artists from Poznań, Leipzig, Cracow and Warsaw, whose work is intended to encourage reflection on today’s challenges of the young generations. The artists’ works refer to the financial situation of the youngest generations and their professional lives.

  • We regularly participate in various artistic projects in Praga Północ, which is very close to us due to the investments carried out in the district. This time, OKAM provided space for an exhibition of works by young artists as part of the alternative art festival Warsaw off ART. We are glad that we can once again support artists and we hope that this is not our last meeting as part of Warsaw off ART. – emphasizes Urszula Karczmarczyk, Marketing Director of OKAM City.

At the turn of December 2023 and January 2024, OKAM was the organizer and patron of the exhibition of drawings by Praga artist Tymon Wodnicki from the series “Never ending drawing”, which was presented in the FSO Main Gate Building and the target investment F.S.O. PARK at 88 Jagiellońska street in Warsaw.

The exhibition as part of Warsaw off ART was available to visitors from 26 to 29 September, from 12:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Glicerynownia building, at 26a Szwedzka street. A vernissage was also planned for 26 September at 17:00.

  • The festival stands out for its independent, off character, which attracts artists looking for space to experiment and audiences interested in the latest trends in art. This is an event that crosses formal and geographical barriers, creating a platform for various forms of artistic expression and building bridges between cultures. – says Piotr Ambroziak, Originator and Director of the Warsaw off ART Festival.

Since 2018, Warsaw off ART has been an independent artistic platform, a grassroots initiative by artists for artists. It celebrates the work of talented artists from Poland and around the world in all fields of art, such as painting, sculpture and music. Since its inception, the event has hosted over 100 artists.

More information at:                                  

UAP Poznań

Partners of the event:  
OKAM –                                
F.S.O. PARK –                                                               
TMC Polska
FineTech Construction Group
UAP Poznań

Pod ciśnieniem
Warsaw off ART

September 22nd “Car-Free Day”.

Excessive exhaust emissions and high noise levels accompany residents of Polish cities almost every day. Although many of us cannot imagine life without a car, it is worth exchanging four wheels for public transport or a bicycle as often as possible.

“Car-Free Day”, which took place September 22nd, is a symbolic appeal encouraging drivers to leave their cars in the garage or in front of the house.

By bike, scooter or on foot? We will encourage such forms of ecological movement on the premises of our future F.S.O. PARK investment by creating appropriate infrastructure within it, including bicycle and scooter paths. The movement of combustion vehicles, especially within the internal, publicly accessible 10 ha of the park, will be limited. Thanks to this, not only will the safety of people moving around F.S.O. PARK be increased, but we will also contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and noise levels in the area. This will in turn have a positive impact on the quality of life and health of the residents of the new place to live in Warsaw’s Praga-Północ, neighboring housing estates, and their guests.

Life without a car is really possible!
Besides, exercise is health 😊

European Sustainable Development Week – 18/09-08/10/2024.

Poland is once again involved in activities promoting the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Agenda 2030.

Our F.S.O. PARK investment will be built as part of sustainable construction and will be a place created with current and future generations of Warsaw residents in mind, as well as with care for the natural environment.

Through our project, we will respond to many of the 17 UN Goals, including:

  • Good health and qulity of life – we plan to create recreational and sports areas, including bicycle and running paths. 20 ha will be green areas, including 10 ha of a publicly accessible central park. We will also limit the traffic of combustion cars inside F.S.O. PARK.
  • Good quality of education – on the premises of F.S.O. PARK will be created educational facilities. A public primary school for approx. 650 children has a chance to be built in stage I of the investment.
  • Clean and accessible energy – we plan to use solutions from the area of ​​renewable energy sources, including photovoltaics, solar collectors, heat pumps or perovskite photovoltaic cells, which will also translate into lower electricity bills.
  • Sustainable cities and communities – F.S.O. PARK will be a place that builds community and social bonds, thanks to, among others, common spaces that support this. NO to isolation, YES to community and being together.
  • Climate action – apart from green areas, we will introduce solutions that will help reduce CO2, lower temperature, reduce waste production or plastic consumption. The EcoCentrum ‘Punkt Zwrotny’ is already operating on the area of ​​the future investment, whose mission is to educate mainly young people in the field of circularity and sustainable fashion.

In Warsaw’s Praga Północ district, we want to create a ‘City of the Future’ that is friendly to the local community and environment, where ecology, a healthy lifestyle, community and education are the overriding values.

PROPERTY FORUM 2024 – Demolish or revitalize?

In recent years, more and more post-industrial buildings, pre-war tenement houses or post-industrial areas are getting a second life. Thanks to the passion of investors and architects, in old walls or on reclaimed areas, extraordinary projects are being created that combine the past with the present and even look into the future.

During the session on September 17 as part of the Property Forum 2024 – TALKS “Trends that are heating up the commercial real estate market” – we had the opportunity to comment on the topic: Demolish or revitalize?

Among excellent experts, we had the opportunity to answer questions such as:
– Is it easier to modernize and change the functions of buildings or build from scratch?
– What difficulties do investors encounter in this type of implementation?
– How is the tenant mix selected?
– Costs vs. effect?
– Which is more ecological: recovering materials as part of demolition or revitalization?

This topic is extremely close to us. F.S.O. PARK is an example of an investment that OKAM is implementing on a former factory site with great respect for the history of this place. We assume the revitalization of selected historical buildings or their fragments and giving them new functions.

PropertyNews.plGrupa – we would like to thank you for the opportunity to take part in the discussion.

The automotive ‘Exhibition in the factory’ at the future F.S.O. PARK investment site has been opened.

On September 13 this year, 300 exhibits were presented in the former #FSO Paint Shop building (almost 600 in total), including cars manufactured in FSO: #Warszawy#Syrenki#Fiaty 125p and #Polonezy, but also motorcycles, bicycles, fuel dispensers, engines, etc. In addition, the exhibits also include vehicles whose parts were manufactured in other Polish production plants. The entrance gate to the factory with inscriptions and the FSO logo (previously located on the side of Kotsisa Street) was also recreated, and a place was prepared for the dismantled name of the factory from the Main Gate.

During the meeting inaugurating the ‘Exhibition in the factory’ together with experts:

– Anna Watkowska – Member of OKAM Board, Lider of FSO PARK Project

– Zbigniew Mikiciuk – Founder and owner of Muzeum Motoryzacji i Techniki w Otrębusach

– Maciej Bień – Director of `Exhibition in the factory`, Chairman of the Committee of Historic Vehicles of the Polish Automobile Club

we discussed what steps should be taken to preserve the legacy of FSO, which ceased its operations 13 years ago.

To start with, the Exhibition will be open to visitors on weekends from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (the last group enters at 2:00 p.m.).

Entry tickets will be required and can be purchased at:

Exhibition Organizers:

Foundation for the Protection of Industrial and Technical Monuments
Museum of Automotive and Technical Monuments I Once Had One Like That

Exhibition Partners:


Non-Governmental Organizations Picnic and Haller Square Celebration.

September 7th was quite intense for us. In addition to the ECO-PICNIC at the FSO Main Gate, we also supported the EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny, which operates daily at the FSO Main Gate during the Non-Governmental Organizations Picnic and the Haller Square Festival.

At the EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny stand, you could test your knowledge of waste segregation and win one of the prizes, including one from F.S.O. PARK, and also make a colorful rag out of second-hand clothes.

Ufff, a busy weekend is behind us, but it was worth it 😊

ECO-PICNIC at the front of Main Gate of FSO.

September 7, we had the great pleasure of hosting you at ECO-PICNIC at the front of FSO gate. 💚🌱📗🍏♻️

The weather was great, so we consider the relaxation a success. 😊🌞🌿✅

The picnic was full of fresh delicacies from farmers! Great dumplings, fish, cold cuts, cheeses, pickles, juices straight from producers, healthy hemp, hot dishes from food trucks, artisan ice cream, refreshing lemonade and many, many more made sure that no one left here with an empty basket. 👉🧺😀

And those who wanted to spend time lounging on a deckchair with an English book in their hand had such an opportunity. 📚🧐

The overarching idea of ​​the FSO PARK🌳🏠 is to create a unique place in Praga Północ that will gather residents around values ​​related to, among others, a healthy lifestyle, being together or education. 🍏🚲🌱🐝 ECO-PICNIC at the front of FSO gate initiates the activities planned by us, supporting this goal..

We would like to thank all the guests for coming, the representatives of the Praga-Północ District Office of the Capital City of Warsaw, headed by 🥰 Mrs. Gabriela Szustek – Mayor of the Praga-Północ District for honoring us with their presence, the exhibitors for their wonderful products 😋 and for their support:
Gospodarstwo Yagi
Listny Cud
Tradycyjne Jadło
Wiatrowy Sad…/wiatrowy-sad-grazyna-wiatr
Dobre Konopie

See you next time! 👋🫶


F.S.O. PARK with the Recommendation of the Sustainable Architecture Circle.

On July 26, for the 27th time, the latest projects for Warsaw (from 15 districts) and 5 neighboring municipalities were gathered in one place. This year, 64 projects by 41 studios were presented, including our F.S.O. PARK designed by WXCA and SAWAWA.

„Plans for the Future” have been a freeze-frame of what architecture is at given moment since 1996. They show how the challenges we face change and how design teams respond
to them. How the assumptions of new projects evolve. Finally, how form follows function, which later most visibly affects the appearance of the city.
The presented projects are proof that architecture can and should serve everyone. Designed with accessibility, greenery and counteracting heat islands in mind, they show how urban space can become more friendly and functional.
„Plans for the Future” is not just an exhibition. It is a space for imagination and for real plans that shape our tomorrow.

In addition, the Sustainable Architecture Circle of the Warsaw Branch of SARP was asked
to indicate the most interesting projects and provide them with additional commentary, and F.S.O. PARK was also marked. We are very proud, that’s an understatement 😊

Exhibition location:               
ZODIAK Warsaw Architecture Pavilion, Pasaż Stefana Wiechecki Wiecha 4

„Future plans”:                      
26/07 – 27/10/2024, Tue-Fri: 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., Sat-Sun: 12:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

„Architecture festiwal”:         
01/10 – 06/10/2024 – Week with F.S.O. PARK – more details soon

SARP, Capital City of Warsaw under the patronage of Vice President Renata Kaznowska

OKAM & STORM invite you to free bike tests.

See the model that was used by the Polish National Team during EURO 2024.

August 2-3 | STORM bike tests.

The manufacturer of two-wheelers – STORM, which is one of the partners of our anniversary challenge, is organizing free equipment testing.

During the event, you will get to know and test bike models from the new STORM collection.

The distributor will also exhibit the model that was used by the Polish National Team during EURO 2024.

Where and when?
📍 Location: Warsaw, 88 Jagiellońska St., parking lot in front of the gate of the former FSO
📅 Date: August 2 (12:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.), August 3 (10:00 a.m. -2:00 a.m.)

People interested in buying will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the equipment and get a discount on the purchase of a bike.

Those interested in buying will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the equipment and get a discount on the purchase of a bike.

Additionally, the following will be exhibiting:
– on Friday a food truck with a fast food offer: burger, hot dog, zapieksy, fries
– on Saturday a food truck with waffles, ice cream, bubble tea
– on Friday and Saturday a food truck with lemonade and cold/hot drinks

See you!

Join us!

Event on FB:

Smart Heritage: A Case Study of the F.S.O. PARK Project.

We would like to congratulate Natalia Hajska, who worked at OKAM and, as it turns out, her master’s thesis: “Smart heritage: a case study of F.S.O. PARK” at the Kozminski University, received the highest grade with honors.

According to Natalia: “Key takeaways include how technological innovations can support heritage conservation as part of urban redevelopment. F.S.O. PARK is a perfect example of such integration, showing that the Smart Heritage concept works in practice.
I would like to thank my supervisor, prof. Tomasz Olejniczak, for valuable tips and support during this journey. I am also extremely grateful to Anna Watkowska for giving an inspiring interview that significantly enriched my research.
It was a pure pleasure to write about a topic that has such particular importance for heritage protection and urban planning.

We are very proud and happy that F.S.O. PARK may have been part of Natalia’s master’s thesis and served as an example of smart heritage.

Big applause for Natalia!

Holiday workshops for children. Become an ECOCREATOR!

Please feel invited to all-day holiday workshops for children, organized at #EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny.


👉 19-23 August 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

👉 EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny, 88 Jagiellońska St., Praga Północ
(area of ​​the future F.S.O. PARK investment, at the main gate of #FSO).

For whom?
👉 Children aged 8-10.

A fantastic team of educators experienced in working with children in the field of modern education has prepared four thematic blocks:
– #Upcycling.
– #Ekotheater.
– My #planet.
– Creatively active waste.

Over the next 5 days, children will explore the secrets of sustainable fashion, ecology and circularity and develop various competences: artistic, social, ecological and creative. Fun, experiencing, cooperation, learning in an empathetic and open atmosphere. The classes are multidisciplinary and the space is inspiring and friendly.

Detailed program:…/1_0udEfcpSNLnkG3HO5VVKb…/view

Detailed information:, tel: 505 106 703, 604 423 223

EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny is waiting for you!

6th WDW Automotive Picnic.

July has come and with it another VIth WDW Automotive Picnic, this time under the slogan “We did not do such tricks in Pułtusk: – they planned and went to Pułtusk to check what Stanisław Anioł from the cult series Alternatywy 4 had in mind.

But first they drove to the FSO Main Gate to go from there in a column to the Palace in Jabłonna, the next stop was the airport in Chrcynno and then straight to Pułtusk for the Picnic.

We invite you again to FSO.

5,000 m2 rented in the former FSO area!

5 new tenants have found space for themselves at 88 Jagiellońska St. in Praga Północ district. Nearly 5,000 m2 has been rented! 💪 🙌

The group of tenants of the former FSO property includes entities from the courier, book distribution, engineering consulting industries, as well as a company specializing in floristic solutions and Escape Room.
In addition, three existing tenants expanded their space.

It’s not everything. We are in the process of negotiations with other entities interested in leasing a total space of approx. 12,000 m2.

We still offer a large selection of areas. offices, warehouses and squares.

The area of ​​the former FSO will provide:
– Excellent location on the S8 route.
– Public transport.
– Availability of parking spaces.
– Attractive, flexible terms of cooperation.

Welcome 👉 887 032 331, 783 002 791

Matiz rally.

On June 22, Matiz lovers met at the main gate of the FSO to reminisce, exchange information, take a souvenir photo and once again feel the spirit of the former FSO.

Daewoo Matiz was one of the last cars assembled (from December 1998) and then produced (from October 1999 to February 2007) at FSO. In total, the Warsaw factory assembled and produced 152,363 Matiz, which were mainly sold on the Polish market, as many as 149,953 pieces.
In 2000, the Matiza M100 was subjected to frontal, side and pedestrian crash tests. In the frontal collision, the car received 6 points, and in the side collision – 13.
19 points allowed for 3 out of 5 stars. Pedestrian safety was rated at 15 points, which gave two stars on a four-point scale.
Was it a safe car? Judge for yourself.

The history of FSO is very important to us. Master Plan concept of F.S.O. PARK assumes the preservation of selected buildings or fragments, we want the former factory to be part of F.S.O. PARK.

In September this year we are opening the “Exhibition in the Factory”. More details coming soon.

“Bicycle May” is over.

“Bicycle May” organized in cooperation with the Municipal Roads Authority has ended. The campaign in Bródnowski Park officially ended in mid-June.

This year, as many as 501 institutions, including 272 kindergartens and 229 primary schools, signed up to participate in Warsaw’s “Bicycle May”. 111,771 active participants completed a total of 2,535,556 journeys. In May, as many as 49% of all possible trips to Warsaw schools and kindergartens participating in the campaign were actively made. It was a record-breaking “Bicycle May”.

A healthy lifestyle is one of our guiding values ​​that we want to develop in the future F.S.O. PARK investment in Praga Północ.
🌳 🏡 🌳
Inside F.S.O. PARK we will limit car driving and focus on ecological means of transport, including bicycles. Bicycle paths will be created on 62 ha of land, which will be available to both residents and visitors of F.S.O. PARK.

“Serduszko Cup” football tournament – ​​Together for children!

What a match it was!
On June 16, we took part in the “Serduszko Cup” football tournament, organized by the “Serduszko dla Dzieci” Association, with which we have been cooperating in Praga Północ for many years.

Great time spent for a good cause for the benefit of the children of day care centers and care and educational institutions in Warsaw.
Our OKAM boys gave their all, for which we thank them very much!

Sport is one of the very important elements that make up our F.S.O. PARK investment. An internal 10-hectare park with bicycle paths, running and walking paths, a sports field next to the school, all in the spirit of a healthy lifestyle.


Heritage Innovators Day 2024.

Heritage Innovators Day 2024, an international, interdisciplinary meeting dedicated to cooperation for the protection of cultural heritage, starts today.

The idea behind the event is the slogan “New European Bauhaus as the driving force of creative industries.”

Małgorzata Dembowska from the WXCA studio, who co-created the concept of F.S.O. PARK will give a speech titled: “Revitalization of urban post-industrial areas on the example of the F.S.O. PARK project in Warsaw. It will be an element of the “Inclusion” thematic path, which will touch upon the issues of social integration in the context of heritage, as well as counteracting social exclusion.

The event, which will take place at the Regional Teaching and Conference Center of the Rzeszów University of Technology, can also be watched online:

Congratulations to Małgosia!

Walk in the neighborhood!

On June 8, we had the great pleasure of taking part in a walk around the Śliwice Housing Estate. We were invited to it by the residents of Śliwice.

We learned many interesting stories about F.S.O. PARK‘s closest neighbor.
Unique stories, very nice people, a family atmosphere.

We are very pleased to have such neighbors.

Thank you very much for inviting us 💚💚💚

#FSO #OKAM #ŚLIWICE #PragaPółnoc #Spacer

Real Estate Market Forum, Sopot.

On June 6-7, 2024, the Real Estate Market Forum, one of the largest real estate events, took place.

We were among the participants, and Marcin Michalec, CEO of OKAM Capital, acted as a speaker in the discussion panel entitled “Land Hunting – Time to Start.”

The topic of land and brownfield investments is extremely close to OKAM’s activities.

– OKAM’s portfolio includes both completed and planned projects, thanks to which degraded areas will gain a new life. Among them in Warsaw are: BOHEMA – Strefa Praga (the area of ​​the former Pollena factory), CITYFLOW (after the Danone factory), F.S.O. PARK (after the former Passenger Car Factory), and in Łódź: Strefa PROGRESS or Strefa Piotrkowska 217 (after Józef John’s iron foundry) and the ŁÓDŹ.WORK and NOW projects (the area after the Meyerhoff factory) – said Marcin Michalec, CEO of OKAM Capital, panelist discussion during REMF.

As history shows, OKAM is not afraid of challenges and is constantly developing its land bank, including thematically complex and unique plots. One might be tempted to say that key phrases such as “post-industrial areas” and “revitalizations” should permanently appear in the OKAM dictionary. The company, through revitalization works, brings post-industrial areas back to life, giving them new functionalities that respond to contemporary market needs.

Over 10,000 visitors in Punkt Zwrotny!

Is it possible that the first school year of EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny is just passing?

Since its opening at the end of September last year, over 10,000 people have visited Punkt Zwrotny and these were young people from all over Poland – Wrocław, Katowice, Zielona Góra and even Rumia!

The first year of conducting an experimental climate education project based on gamification, escape rooms, fun and cooperation showed how effective it is in teaching and inspiring young people.

We are glad that such place already exists in our investment: FSO PARK 💚

Thank you: #MamyProjekt, #EkoCentrumPunktZwrotny and all partners.


The first vegetables and fruits in the area of the future F.S.O. PARK investment planted.

In mid-May, in a greenhouse in the internal, educational courtyard of an office building on the premises of the future FSO PARK, investment, the team responsible for this project planted first vegetables and fruits.

The tomatoes and strawberries have already started to turn red. The first harvest is coming soon 🍅🥒🍓

This is a taste of what we plan to implement at F.S.O. PARK, which will be built on a 62 ha plot in Warsaw’s Praga Północ district.

Apart from caring for the natural environment and education in the field of ecology, what guides us and manifests itself in the planned vision of F.S.O. PARK is, among others, promoting an active lifestyle, including healthy eating. On the premises of F.S.O. PARK there will be 20 ha of greenery 🌳 space for practicing sports 💪 as well as a dedicated space for greenhouses and an eco-market 🍐🥦🍒

As research shows, in recent years the percentage of Poles suffering from various diseases has been constantly increasing, and many people do not feel the need to eat healthily.*

It is worth remembering that a proper diet affects not only your physical condition and a healthy body, but also your well-being and mental health.

According to the healthy eating pyramid, in addition to physical activity, you should regularly consume products from various food groups, such as vegetables and fruits, dairy products and cereal products.

Enjoy your meal 🙂

*For the Report “The health situation of the Polish population and its determinants, 2022” National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene.

#FSO #FSOPARK #OKAM #zdrowie #zdroważywność #szklarnia #nowalijki

Dialogue about phase I of the F.S.O. PARK investment finished!

The dialogue on phase I of the F.S.O. PARK investment has ended!

Between April 15 and May 15 this year:
👉 There were 6 information meetings and dialogue shifts, attended by 109 people.
👉 43 opinions and inquiries about the investment were submitted via the website

A report summarizing the dialogue will be published on the project website by mid-June this year.

– We would like to thank everyone who took part in the organized meetings, as well as those who left their votes on the investment website. Conversations with interested parties and the surrounding local community, learning their needs and concerns are of great importance to us, due to the fact that F.S.O. PARK will also be created with her in mind. We are fully ready to continue cooperation with all interested parties, including local residents and the local government – says Anna Watkowska, Member of the Management Board of OKAM City and Leader of the F.S.O. PARK.

As part of stage I of the F.S.O. investment PARK located in Praga Północ at ul. Jagiellońska 88, approximately 2,000 apartments, approximately 60 commercial and service premises, a public primary school and a fragment of a central park will be built.

Work in this phase of the investment is planned to start in 2025 and will last approximately 10 years.

🌳 🏡 🌳

Photos from the dialogue: Tomasz Kaczor.

#OKAM  #FSOPARK #FSO #dialog #CKS #CentrumKomunikacjiSpołecznej #Warszawa #PragaPółnoc

11th of May is “No Littering Day”. We say YES!

Every year, Poles also produce several billion kilograms of waste, and their number is growing every year. Unfortunately, apart from containers, waste is also left in forests, parks or thrown into water reservoirs, which has a huge impact on the future of our planet.

It is worth remembering that the most important decisions regarding waste disposal are made in our homes, instead of throwing them away – we can give waste and unnecessary things a new life, as part of:

👉 Recycling, i.e. processing a used product or material to create a new version of the same item (e.g. cardboard) – in this case, we must remember about proper segregation.
👉 Upcycling – you can process a given item or material yourself, giving it new functionality and greater value; perfect examples would be a balcony seat made of Euro pallets, a bottle as a vase, old car parts as lamps or even a body scrub made of coffee grounds.
👉 Downcycling – which is a form of processing waste from which functional and valuable products of lower quality are created, such as waste paper or toilet paper.

As OKAM, we regularly participate in initiatives related to climate protection, including clothing collections in cooperation with EcoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny, we properly segregate waste at our headquarters, and upcycled items appear in sales offices, such as: lamps in BOHEMY sales offices or furniture in INSPIRE. Building eco-awareness, as well as appropriate waste management by companies and individuals, are extremely important in today’s world – that is why we are already planning environmentally friendly solutions that we will implement in our F.S.O. PARK.

The guiding principle for us at F.S.O. PARK is, among others, air quality, waste recycling and reducing energy consumption!

♻ ♻ ♻

#OKAM #FSOPARK #DzieńbezŚmiecenia #PunktZwrotny #recycling #upcycling #downcycling

Breakfast Meeting #4 – Polish industrial design.

The spectacular space of the Lakiernia building on the premises of the future F.S.O. PARK investment turned into Stargres Studio on April 25, 2024, where we broadcast live during Breakfast Meeting #4 by ArchiDESK.

Many fantastic guests talked about, among others: Polish industrial design.

Listen on the channel.

Spring cleaning of the wardrobe – Let’s do something good for ourselves and the planet.

Did you know that each 1 kg of textiles introduced into the second cycle saves 6,241 liters of water and reduces CO2 emissions by 12.9 kg?

We join the EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny operating on the premises of the future F.S.O. PARK, for the clothes collection campaign as part of the Spring Wardrbe Cleaning:: 👕 👔 👙 👜 👒 Clothes and more will gain a new life instead of ending up in the trash.
his is not the end, because we will turn kilograms of collected textiles into zlotys that will support the Fundację Splot Społeczny. This is a Foundation that has created a center for exchanging items in Warsaw’s Praga district, a place where you can leave what you no longer need and take something that will be useful to you.

Link to the campaign:

What should you do? Please clik here:

🌿 🌏 🌳


#EarthDay in the area of the future F.S.O. PARK investment.

The first symbolic tree planted in front of the EcoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny on the occasion of the largest international ecological holiday: Earth Day – April 22, 2024!

#Lipa Broad-leafed linden is the beginning of the transformation that begins in the area of the former #FSO and the future FSO PARK.

The planted example of the broad-leafed linden tree is approximately 15-20 years old and approximately 5 m high. Lindens are the second longest-living European trees after oaks – on average 300-500 years – which means that many generations will have the opportunity to see this tree. Ultimately, it will be transplanted into a 10-hectare central park, which will be partially implemented as part of phase I of the F.S.O. PARK.

In addition to OKAM representatives, the event was also attended by:

🌿 Representatives of Ekocentrum Punkt Zwrotny.

🌿 Youth of Akademia Dobrej Edukacji – Warszawa.

🌿 Emilia Ulińska and the team from Ulińscy – Szkółka Roślin – founder of the broad-leafed linden tree and other plants

🌿 Benedykt Kawecki with the team – an architect, a specialist in plants and greenery design from AKBK studio (Architektura Krajobrazu Benedykt Kawęcki), who was responsible for the planting arrangement project.

🌿 hansgrohe – founder of awards for young people..

🌿 Media representatives.

More about F.S.O. PARK at:

#OKAM #FSO #FSOPARK #PragaPółnoc #DzieńZiemi #PunktZwrotny #AkademiaDobrejEdukacji #UlińscySzkółkaRoślin #AKBK #ArchitekturaKrajobrazuBenedyktKawęcki #Hansgrohe #ekologia

Dialogue about phase I of F.S.O. PARK has started!

Dialogue about stage I of the F.S.O. investment PARK has started!
F.S.O. PARK 🌳 🏡 🚲 👪 will be a multifunctional, sustainable and ecological City of the Future located on a 62 ha plot at 88 Jagiellońska st in Praga Północ, owned by OKAM Capital.
This place will change the face of the post-industrial area of the former Passenger Car Factory.

– We want to change the face of the run-down, post-industrial area in a sustainable way, to the benefit of the residents of the district and the entire capital. F.S.O. PARK will be a place to live fully, in harmony with nature and as part of a neighborhood community. The voice of the local community is of great importance to us, because we are creating this project with current and future generations of Warsaw residents in mind. We therefore invite all interested parties to share their observations and ideas – says Anna Watkowska, Member of the OKAM City Management Board and Leader of F.S.O. PARK Project.

In accordance with the architectural vision, as part of phase I covering 13.5 ha, OKAM envisages the implementation of:
🏠 approx. 2,000 apartments for approx. 4,600 inhabitants
🛍 approx. 60 commercial and service premises
🌳 approx. 7 ha of greenery, including approx. 2 ha of a central park
🏫 public primary school for approximately 650 students, which will be handed over to the local government
Planned start of construction of phase I: Q4 2025.

More information on the dialogue and the meeting schedule can be found here:

We invite you to participate in the dialogue regarding phase I of the F.S.O. PARK, which will last from April 15 to May 15 this year.

On March 22, we celebrate World Water Day established by the UN

Water plays a huge role in nature, and therefore in human life. Unfortunately, billions of people around the world do not have access to running and clean drinking water, and this problem also affects people in Europe. This is due, among other things, to climate change, and the situation is expected to get even worse! According to UN forecasts, the demand for water will double by 2050, and more than half of the world’s population may be at risk of water deficit.

On the occasion of World Water Day, Hansgrohe Polska, which, together with OKAM, co-created a space for the EcoCentrum “Punkt Zwrotny” in the FSO Main Gate, invited architects and the media to “Punkt Zwrotny” to talk about how architecture and design can help fight the access to water crisis.

The special guest of the event was Ewa Ewart, author of the award-winning documentary “To the Last Drop”. The film reveals how irresponsible and thoughtless human actions lead to the water crisis.

But it also inspires – we learn the stories of people who fight for clean and healthy rivers, it shows that we can contribute to solving this crisis.
Taking care of the gift of life, which is water, is an important element of the landscape of our F.S.O. PARK investment 🌳 🏠 💧 🚴 The project will be implemented in a sustainable way, with care for the natural environment. Our plans include, among others: installation of a 100% rainwater retention system. It is to be fully developed on our 62 ha plot using rain gardens, infiltration basins, bioretention ditches, retention ponds and underground seepage tanks. The recovered water will first be used to maintain the water level in retention ponds and then redirected to the toilet flushing installation or public sewage system. We also plan to use local pre-treatment stations for the recovery of gray sewage from apartments.


Let’s remember to save water every day, not only on World Water Day!

10 new lease contracts on the plot of the former FSO in Warsaw.

Recently, we have concluded 10 new lease agreements on the property of the former FSO in Warsaw, at 88 Jagiellońska street, with a total rentable area exceeding 13,000 sq m. These contracts cover office, warehouse and yard spaces, bringing various benefits to companies operating in the warehousing, service, transport and education industries. Currently, over 150 different companies and organizations operate on the plot.

As Arie Koren, CEO of OKAM City, emphasizes:
“We renew lease agreements with existing tenants and conclude new contracts. We do not have to convince partners of the advantages of our offer – location, flexibility in cooperation and, finally, diversity of space – these advantages appeal to other companies and organizations that join the group of our partners. Despite the target plans for the next quarter of a century, the multi-stage nature of the future F.S.O. PARK project will allow these entities to operate in our area for years to come on attractive terms.”

We would like to thank all people involved in the transaction!

EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny nominated in the category: Initiative of the Year!

We are pleased to announce the nomination for the EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny located at the main gate of F.S.O. PARK in the Warszawiaki 2023 plebiscite in the INITIATIVE OF THE YEAR category! Point Turning Point was nominated for its environmental protection activities!

For the 8th time, Warsaw residents choose the best in Warsaw in 11 categories: cafe, restaurant, sport, culture, entertainment, district, initiative, photo, event, Varsovian of the Year 2023 and Warsaw online.

The final voting will last until February 29 this year, time: 23:59:59.

More information can be found here:

We are super proud! We encourage you to vote. Congratulations to everyone involved in this fantastic project: Punkt Zwrotny!

We would also like to thank the renovation partners who contributed to the renovation of the space at the FSO gate where Punkt Zwrotny is located:


– Martyna Banaszczuk Architekt Wnętrz

– Ceramika Paradyż

– MAPEI Polska

– Unicell

– hansgrohe

Thank you!

Breakfast meeting: Brands are people!

We invite you to “Meeting for breakfast #2 `24”.

When? 29/02/2024 at: 12:30 – LIVE –

Anna Watkowska, Member of the Management Board of OKAM City and Leader of the F.S.O. PARK project will take part in a discussion on the topic: Brands are people, in the context of our F.S.O. PARK 🌳🏃‍♂️💚

Link to the agenda of the entire event:

Program partner: Końskie Group:

Program organizer:,

A walk around the FSO as part of the 376th Birthday of Praga.

On February 17, a sentimental walk took place around the premises of the former Passenger Car Factory at 88 Jagiellońska St. in Warsaw, as part of the 376th Birthday of Praga.

„It was the great pleasure that we joined this year’s “Praga Birthday” celebration, we opened the gate to everyone willing – residents of Praga Północ, residents of Warsaw, guests from other cities, former FSO employees, moto enthusiasts, anyone who wanted to join us. It was a unique opportunity to return to the past and visit the most important corners of the former FSO,” says Anna Watkowska, Member of the Board of OKAM City and Leader of the F.S.O. PARK Project.

Event program:

Start: February 17 (Saturday)

From 12:00 to 2:30 p.m.

88 Jagiellońska St., Praga Północ, Warsaw

  • Meeting at 12:00 at the main gate of the former FSO plant.
  • A walk around the premises of the former factory: Welding Shop, Assembly Plant, Pressure Plant.
  • Visiting the Paint Shop – “Exhibition at the Factory”.

We are glad that the walk met with such great interest. Thank you for coming in such large numbers and we hope that the time spent together was valuable and interesting for everyone.

F.S.O. PARK during 4 Design Days – 25-28/01/2024.

During 4 Design Day on January 25-28, the International Congress Center in Katowice will again become the largest space in Poland for conversations about architecture, design, real estate, city development and sustainable design 🌍 Among these conversations there will also be the concept of F.S.O. PARK!

📌 On January 25, architect of F.S.O. PARK: Marta Sękulska-Wrońska CEO of WXCA will be one of the experts of the inaugural session entitled “Immortal design. Eternal architecture. “To live to the age of the Empire State Building and still be as hot as armchair Barcelona.” The topic of the session will be timeless design that stands the test of time and meets the fashion for mass, fast and temporary architecture.

📌 On January 26, Marta will present the architectural and urban concept of our F.S.O. PARK, a vision of a multifunctional, ecological district of the future on the premises of the former Passenger Car Factory.

We keep our fingers crossed for Marta!

We are expanding the number of tenants in the former FSO area – 1,000 m2 leased.

We are pleased to announce that the number of our tenants in the former FSO premises at 88 Jagiellońska St. is growing.

Over 1,000 m2 of warehouse and production space will be occupied by a company from the furniture industry. The contract was concluded for 5 years.

We are in the process of talks with other potential tenants, including “Coffee with electricity”.

The group of over 140 entities operating in this part of Praga-Północ includes, among others: the Warsaw Chamber of Tax Administration, FineTech Construction, LOCONI Intermodal, Nesting Polska, the Habitat for Humanity Poland Foundation and several schools. We still have available space, including office space from 50 to 2,000 m2, warehouse and production space from 100 m2, as well as areas for events, photo sessions and film sets.

Welcome new tenant!

F.S.O. PARK – Meeting for breakfast.

This Wednesday’s “Meeting for Breakfast”! ☕📃

During breakfast, over 60 experts from the architecture, interior design, real estate and finance industries will summarize 2023 and share their plans for 2024.

Of course, we can’t miss it 🙂.
The following will also act as experts:
🟢 Anna Watkowska – Członkini Zarządu OKAM City i Liderka Projektu FSO PARK 🏡🌳
🔴 oraz Marcin Michalec – CEO OKAM Capital.

We invite you to watch the live broadcast – December 20, 2023 (Wednesday), at 8:00:

“Coffee with electricity” at F.S.O. PARK – this is another pro-environmental concept after EkoCentrum “Punkt Zwrotny”.

Near the Main Gate of F.S.O. PARK there will be a charging station for EV electric cars with 14 stations, which will be another pro-environmental element – after the EkoCentrum “Punkt Zwrotny” – on the OKAM plot at ul. Jagiellońska 88 in Praga Północ in Warsaw. The station will be complemented by a cafe where you can not only drink delicious coffee and eat something good, but also work or hold a longer meeting in a larger group, even online, while waiting for the electric vehicle to be charged. The opening of the concept under the working name “Coffee with electricity” is planned for 2024.

W obrębie ok. 3 km od terenu po dawnej Fabryce Samochodów Osobowych przy ul. Jagiellońskiej 88 brakuje kawiarni i restauracji, a jednocześnie na 62 ha działce, należącej do OKAM, swoją działalność prowadzi ponad 140 firm i organizacji, które są także często odwiedzane przez klientów czy kontrahentów. W budynku biurowym dawnego Zarządu FSO mieszczą się także trzy uczelnie: Wyższa Szkoła Edukacji w Sporcie, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa i Prywatne Liceum Sportowe.
Przez tę część Pragi Północ przejeżdża codziennie tysiące aut. 

Aby jeszcze bardziej ułatwić obecnym i przyszłym najemcom oraz okolicznym mieszkańcom życie, a także zadbać o środowisko naturalne, postanowiono połączyć kawiarnię ze stacją ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych. Lokal będzie liczył ok. 93 mkw. powierzchni i usytuowany zostanie w prawej części Budynku Bramy Głównej F.S.O. PARK, obecnie poszukiwany jest partner biznesowy. Tuż obok kawiarni stworzona zostanie nowoczesna, wciąż jedna z nielicznych w stolicy, stacja do ładowania samochodów elektrycznych EV, z 14 stanowiskami.

  • Powstanie stacji do ładowania aut elektrycznych to kolejny ekologiczny krok na terenie planowanej przez nas inwestycji F.S.O. PARK. We wrześniu br. otworzyliśmy w Budynku Bramy Głównej EkoCentrum “Punkt Zwrotny”. Jednocześnie w okolicy brakowało miejsca do społecznej integracji dla tysięcy osób, które tu pracują, uczą się czy odwiedzają tę okolicę, stąd pomysł na stworzenie przestrzeni pod kawiarnię, w której będą mogli spotykać się nie tylko Ci, którzy będą chcieli podładować swoje auto, ale również Ci, którzy przy pysznej kawie będą chcieli spotkać się, porozmawiać, odbyć biznesowe spotkanie czy po prostu miło spędzić ze sobą czas. W końcu F.S.O. PARK to “Miejsce, które łączy” – mówi Anna Watkowska, Członkini Zarządu OKAM City i Liderka Projektu F.S.O. PARK.

Inwestycja F.S.O. PARK realizowana będzie przez OKAM przez ok. 25 lat, na działce o wielkości 62 ha zlokalizowanej na Pradze Północ w Warszawie. Koncepcja architektoniczna zakłada stworzenie wielofunkcyjnego i ekologicznego Miasta Przyszłości, uwzględniającego nowoczesne rozwiązania technologiczne oraz zrównoważony rozwój. F.S.O. PARK będzie miejscem charakteryzującym się wysoką jakością życia, łączącym funkcję mieszkaniową, biurową, usługowo-handlową, edukacyjną, kulturową czy rekreacyjną. Aż 20 ha stanowić będą tereny zielone, z czego 10 ha – centralny park. Zastosowany zostanie również szereg rozwiązań ekologicznych, w tym panele fotowoltaiczne, kolektory słoneczne, pompy ciepła i ogniwa fotowoltaiczne z perowskitu, a także system całkowitej retencji wody opadowej oraz wewnętrzna sieć niskotemperaturowa.

EkoCentrum “Punkt Zwrotny” in F.S.O. PARK – Summary of activities in 2023.

EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny in F.S.O. PARK – this is where the change begins!

This is a place for young people that, based on popular escape rooms, provides knowledge about fast fashion and sustainable development in a very interesting formula.

Only 3 months have passed since the opening of “Punkt Zwrotny” in September this year and it has already been visited by 141 school groups, and another 95 are already registered. That’s almost 4,000 visitors in total.

EkoCentrum builds an audience – both among students, teachers and adults (events/open days/film screenings). Among other things, certificates for teachers visiting the EcoCentrum have been introduced, and regular Open Days of “Punkt Zwrotny” for families are planned soon.

We can’t wait to have more fantastic plans for 2024. Congratulations and thank you for being with us.

F.S.O. PARK on the EurobuildCEE FM podcast!

About preparations for the implementation of stage I of F.S.O. PARK and investment values, recently opened at 88 Jagiellońska St.: Climate Education Center Punkt Zwrotny and the planned exhibition “Exhibition at the Factory” with vintage cars, including: produced at FSO, which will be led by Maciej Bień – says Anna Watkowska, Member of the OKAM City Management Board and F.S.O. Project Leader. PARK.

🟢 We invite you to listen to the broadcast:


Online art auctions. Artists for horses.

We put aside horsepower for those full of life!

🟢 December 10 (Sunday) at 4:00 p.m., at the main gate of FSO PARK, Fundacja KTOŚ dla koni will conduct an online auction of nearly 90 paintings.

🟢 Objective? Helping animals living in 𝗞𝗧𝗢𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗪𝗢 Azyl dla koni, that is 28 horses.


🎥 View the catalog of works up for auction:


Surrounded by forests and fields 𝗞𝗧𝗢𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗪𝗢 Azyl dla koni, is located in the province Masovian Voivodeship, 2 km from the market square in Jeruzalu.

It was here that these intelligent animals found safety and happiness, and trusted humans again. Here, people also learn empathy towards animals, understanding their needs and proper treatment.

🎥 Watch a video about Azyl „Ktosiowo”:

Let’s help Azyl survive this difficult moment so that he can continue his mission.

Successes and challenges on the path of a business woman in 2024.

Time for new inspirations, meeting new people and developing skills!

A great meeting in which Anna Watkowska, Member of the Management Board of OKAM City and Lider of F.S.O. PARK Project had the pleasure of representing OKAM during the 3rd Women of the 21st Century Congress:

When: November 24, 2024, 11:00 a.m., room 2.
Where: Hotel Arche Krakowska in Warsaw.

The conversation was led by the President of the Union of Polish Entrepreneurs, Łukasz Malczyk, and the discussion was attended by:

– Sylwia Kuligowska – Founder and head of SCOPE PR.

– Anna Watkowska – Member of the Management Board of OKAM City and Lider of F.S.O. PARK Project.

– Kasia Paskuda – Editor-in-chief of Kultura / Photographer / Image consultant in the media.

A full room during a lecture certainly proves how important such meetings are. Women have power!

OKAM City responsible for the implementation of F.S.O. PARK received the status of: Partner for Climate 2023.

“Partnership for Climate” – comprehensive, innovative educational and promotional activities related to the issue of climate change, which aim to support cities towards climate neutrality. The Platform organizes various events, including: conferences, debates, ecological actions aimed at exchanging experiences and increasing public awareness of environmental and climate protection.

The main thematic areas in which the capital city Warsaw will undertake activities under the “Partnership for Climate” which include energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, environmentally friendly transport and the promotion of an ecological lifestyle.

The partners of the “Partnership for Climate” are organizations and institutions representing very diverse environments, including: government and local government administration units, embassies, non-governmental organizations and institutions for which climate protection is a priority. In their daily activities, the partners show concern for the environment, and by participating in the “Partnership for Climate” they prove their commitment to nature conservation and building a sustainable city.

PUNKT ZWROTNY – the place where change begins.

The modern EcoCentrum was established on the premises of F.S.O. PARK – 21/09/2023.

Point Zwrotny is a new place on the map of Warsaw, where you can discover the secrets of fast fashion by solving eco-puzzles. A modern EcoCentrum was established in Praga Północ, on the premises of F.S.O. PARK, on a plot belonging to OKAM City, and from today will educate mainly young people about circularity and sustainable fashion free of charge. However, it will not be standard learning, but experience and education through games!

The main theme of Punkt Zwrotny is the fashion industry – this is no coincidence, because young people build their identity, among others. through clothes, accessories and appearance. As many as 62 million tons of clothing are produced in the world annually, and every fifth item is never sold and becomes waste, and only 1 percent of clothing is recycled. Additionally, the production of clothing involves not only the use of materials, but also natural resources. Producing just one T-shirt requires using over 8,000 liters of water – almost twice as much as a standard garden swimming pool.

– Reports claim that young people are aware of changes taking place in the climate but do not have sufficient knowledge and tools to understand their consequences, which is why they often they take a passive attitude towards this phenomenon. “If I have to die anyway, let it be in fashionable shoes,” one teenager told us during interviews. This was the impulse to create an alternative form of ecological education. Game play, cooperation, good and interesting graphics, multimedia and expert knowledge provided in an interactive form are the ingredients of the recipe for Punkt Zwrotny. We have been designing innovative tools for ecological education for 10 years, and creating an interactive EcoCentrum was Mamy Projekt’s biggest dream. Come by and see for yourself how it turned out. – one of the initiators of the project, Małgosia Żmijska, from Mamy Projekt foundation, which initiated the project, encourages you to visit.

From September 21 this year school children can visit Punkt Zwrotny for free. Joanna Studzińska from Mamy Projekt foundation notes: We invite groups of school children to have fun together in four thematic rooms. In each of them, you can discover new secrets of fast fashion through puzzles and games. Players will spot manipulations in advertising and social media, see circularity in practice, when sorting waste, they will check how to read labels. During the workshops, they will save a forest cut down for viscose production and calculate how much water is needed to produce cotton. At the end, we will all meet in a round forum, where, together with the educator, we will consolidate the knowledge gained at Punkt Zwrotny.

– We are glad that this noble ecological initiative has arrived within our walls – it is the first step towards the sustainable City of the Future that we want to create in Warsaw’s Praga Północ district. Creating the concept of F.S.O. PARK, we wanted to draw more attention to the challenges of today’s world, including climate change and the noise that surrounds us, raising public awareness in this regard. Today, we are already building a community of people, companies and organizations around these topics that share our values – we are glad that Mamy Projekt is among them. The investment we are planning will be focused on ecology, including deconcreting the space, reducing plastic consumption, temperature and CO2 emissions – it is to bring life to a higher quality, healthier and more conscious – emphasizes Anna Watkowska, Member of the Management Board of OKAM City and Leader of the F.S.O. PARK.

To take part in free classes, school classes can register using the form available at: On weekends, Less Waste workshops, educational meetings, clothes exchanges will be held at Punkt Zwrotny, and the EcoCentrum will be cooperate with various organizations, e.g. Earth Day Every Day or the Buy Responsibly Foundation.

More information about Punkt Zwrotny:

More information about F.S.O. PARK:

OKAM thanks to the renovation partners:

  • Archidesk
  • Martyna Banaszczuk
  • Paradyż
  • Mapei
  • Unicell
  • Hansgrohe


A unique vision for the development of 62 ha of the former FSO area – possible to implement with the support of the Warsaw authorities and business partners.

The concept of the Master Plan is based on the values: ecology, education, community, healthy lifestyle.

Multifunctional and sustainable City of the Future – 20 ha of greenery, including 10 ha of a central park, a number of ecological solutions, a refined architectural layout with modern apartments, educational institutions, as well as commercial, service and office spaces – a place to live, work, but above all, to high quality of life. This is the vision of F.S.O. PARK – an investment that OKAM will implement from start to finish in Warsaw’s Praga-Północ district. Commencement of works on a 62 ha plot at 88 Jagiellońska in Warsaw, as part of the first stage, is planned for the beginning of 2025, and the implementation of the entire project will take approximately 25 years. The concept of the Master Plan for the entire area, in the presence of architectural studios, partners and local government authorities, was announced by OKAM on September 12 this year.

– For over 2 years since the purchase of the plot, we have been working intensively with local authorities and organizations, partners and experts to develop a common vision of the future of the former FSO area that is satisfactory for all parties. When creating the concept of its development, we were guided primarily by the desire to build a place that would be characterized by a high quality of life, responding to the needs of contemporary and future generations. F.S.O. PARK is intended to be a place that connects the local community, business and local authorities on various levels around such ideas, including: such as: education, ecology and community. We assumed sustainable revitalization, combining historical elements with new functionalities and modern solutions, including pro-environmental ones – which would create a sustainable, multifunctional City of the Future. – points out Arie Koren, founder of OKAM Capital and CEO of OKAM City, the company implementing the investment.

  And adds:

– For such a revolutionary concept of F.S.O. PARK had a chance to become a reality, good will and commitment of everyone is necessary, from local government institutions, local organizations to partners and experts, as well as the local community, we will not be able to achieve it alone. We believe that only together we can change the face of the post-industrial areas in Praga-Północ district and give them a new life. We hope that together we can change this small part of the world for the better and that others will follow in our footsteps.

The architectural vision of the area was created by OKAM, in cooperation with the WXCA and SAWAWA studios. It refers to the Master Plan implemented by Dawos at the request of the Warsaw City Hall in 2019.

OKAM purchased a run-down post-industrial area of the former Passenger Car Factory in 2021. Having experience in the revitalization of post-factory areas and paying attention to history, the developer decided two years ago to preserve selected buildings or their fragments, which was included in the Master Plan concept.

As Anna Watkowska, Member of the OKAM City Management Board and F.S.O. Project Leader, points out. PARK:

– In line with the idea of “from high quality of work to high quality of life” we want to create a unique, open living space for people who are aware of themselves, their expectations and values from the area that was once a workplace. Our main goal is to draw attention to the challenges of the modern world, including: increasing levels of environmental pollution, increasing CO2 emissions, social isolation, noise and insufficient education on these topics. Let’s start these changes together at F.S.O. PARK, in a place that is supposed to connect. Thanks to our experience and the scale of the project – 62 ha, we believe that this is absolutely possible, and thanks to this this part of Warsaw will change beyond recognition for current and future generations. We want to carry out an investment combining residential, educational and sports, commercial and service or office spaces, entirely in the spirit of ecology, in cooperation with partners who share values similar to ours and look in the same direction as we do in the spirit of sustainable development.

The usable area of the entire area will be approximately 700,000 sq m, and the PUM area will be almost 440,000 sq m. The first stage is planned to be completed in the first quarter of 2025. As part of the first stage of the project, which will cover approximately 11 ha, some residential buildings with commercial and service areas as well as the first fragment of the park will be built. Ultimately, the entire investment will include approximately 12,000. apartments intended for 17-19 thousand people, as well as approx. 13 thousand new jobs. The entire project is expected to last approximately 25 years.

Multifunctionality for the local community

F.S.O. PARK will not be fenced, it will be an open place for the local community, and the investment will include numerous public spaces. In addition to residential buildings, there will be educational and commercial and service facilities, including space for an eco-market, office space, and zones intended for organizing cultural events. Residents of Warsaw will have free access to, among others: to a green oasis in the form of a 10 ha park, which will be an extremely important element of the project stretching along the entire length of the area.

The concept of the Master Plan assumes the construction of educational institutions, including a primary school for over 650 students (over 200 more than calculated), which is to be built as part of the first stage of the investment. In the future, they have a chance to appear in F.S.O. PARK next educational institutions. OKAM’s vision also assumes the creation of recreational and sports areas adjacent to the space dedicated to educational institutions, as well as, for example, a public skate park, running and bicycle paths – aimed at promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

Ecology – conscious and healthy life

One of the most important elements of the investment will be green areas – they will cover approximately 20 ha of the plot, of which 10 ha will be occupied by a park running through the central part of the investment. In order to raise awareness of the impact of ‘green architecture’ on physical and mental health, special greenery will be designed around and on the buildings.

The project will be implemented in accordance with the principles of sustainable construction, and primarily environmentally friendly materials and prefabricated elements will be used. The pro-environmental solutions that OKAM plans to implement in the investment will contribute to CO2 reduction, temperature reduction, reduction of waste production, plastic consumption and individual combustion wheeled transport, as well as to the development of renewable energy sources. In addition to climate protection, they will ultimately translate into reducing the costs of electricity and water consumption, as well as improving the quality of life of residents and tenants.

For about 2 years, the developer has been building a Business Community of innovative companies around the project’s vision that share similar ecological values – among them are: WXCA, SAWAWA, Buro Happold, DB Energy, Saule Technologies, Viessmann, Pekabex, Hansgrohe, Paradyż, Unicell, Mapei, ArchiDesk and Martyna Banaszczuk’s Studio. The project area may include renewable energy solutions: photovoltaics, solar collectors, heat pumps and perovskite photovoltaic cells. Thanks to renewable energy, it will be possible to reduce the demand for electricity from the grid by 20%. A total rainwater retention system and an internal low-temperature network are also planned. Modern solutions, according to the assumptions, will allow for 100 percent reduce the demand for thermal energy from the network needed for water heating and air conditioning in the summer months, and also by 34% lower demand for thermal energy from the network in winter.

To reduce CO2 emissions, the traffic of internal combustion cars, including passenger cars, will be prohibited within the complex. Collective parking lots will be built around the investment, points for delivery vehicles and couriers will also be designated, and OKAM will provide residents and tenants with electric vehicles and bicycles. In close proximity to the areas where F.S.O. PARK will be built there are bus and tram stops, and the Żerań FSO metro station is to be built nearby. Thanks to the extensive road arteries, you can get to the center of the capital in about 20 minutes. Right behind the investment there is also the S8 exit road from Warsaw. Ultimately, the entire project envisages a reduction of as much as 70%. demand for transport by own car.

In the complex at the end of September this year. There will also be an Ecocenter called “Punkt Zwrotny”, where school students will be able to develop their knowledge about ecology and sustainable development free of charge in the form of interactive workshops. Individuals will also be able to take advantage of the Center’s offer. Activities within the initiative will be led by Mam Projekt – a team experienced in building modern tools for ecological education.

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