OKAM City responsible for the implementation of F.S.O. PARK received the status of: Partner for Climate 2023.
“Partnership for Climate” – comprehensive, innovative educational and promotional activities related to the issue of climate change, which aim to support cities towards climate neutrality. The Platform organizes various events, including: conferences, debates, ecological actions aimed at exchanging experiences and increasing public awareness of environmental and climate protection.
The main thematic areas in which the capital city Warsaw will undertake activities under the “Partnership for Climate” which include energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, environmentally friendly transport and the promotion of an ecological lifestyle.
The partners of the “Partnership for Climate” are organizations and institutions representing very diverse environments, including: government and local government administration units, embassies, non-governmental organizations and institutions for which climate protection is a priority. In their daily activities, the partners show concern for the environment, and by participating in the “Partnership for Climate” they prove their commitment to nature conservation and building a sustainable city.